How Much Material Do You Need?
Use This Calculator To Help Figure How Much Your Project Needs.
This Calculator is for Topsoil, Fill Dirt and Sand ONLY
DO NOT use this calculator for Rocks or Gravel.
Dirt Calculator For:
Square or Rectangular Areas
Step 1 Enter the width, length and depth of the area you are trying to cover in the boxes below.
Step 3 Click this "Calculate" button
Once you have clicked calculate it will automatically tell you in the boxes below how much product you need for your project.
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Let's say you're putting topsoil on your lawn, measure how wide the area is that you want to put topsoil in, let's use 28 feet. You then need to measure how long the area in the lawn is, let's say 30 feet. Then measure how deep you want the topsoil spread, let's go with 6 inches.
So here is the math...
The lawn is 28 feet wide x 30 feet long x 6 inches deep = 420 cubic feet which is also 15.55 cubic yards. So let's round it up to 16 yards of topsoil because some holes in the lawn might be deeper in some places or shallow in others.
Remember to always round up your math and add 10% extra for unforseen adjustments on the job.
Calculation Definitions: