Rip Rap Gravel
Rip rap gravel consists of strategically stacked rocks that protect vulnerable areas from erosion by water or ice. Typically, rip rap is a permanent ground cover solution and is good for sites that already prohibit the growth of vegetation, like areas near culverts and bridges.
Rip rap, also known as riprap, rip rap gravel, shot rock, rock armor, or rubble, can be used to armor shorelines, streambeds, bridge abutments, pilings, ditches, around culverts, or steep graded hills.
Proper rip rap design and installation must consider:
- Proper grade calculations.
- Type and size of rip rap material.
- Fabric layout.
- Flow depth.
- Type and size of filter material.
- Compaction percentage.
Stone rip rap is best suited for more flexible protection than concrete rip rap because it adapts to the shape and natural distortion of the soil. Many engineers also prefer stone rip rap over concrete because issues are more easily identified and repaired, and rock looks more natural. Incorrectly sized or misplaced stones can shift and become displaced during heavy currents, which increases site erosion and leads to repairs, causing more harm than good.
Get 5 tons, 10 tons, or 22 tons of rip rap measured and delivered.
$610.00 – $1,050.00
Here's what different dump truck loads look like:

22 Ton

10 Ton

5 Ton
* For illustrative purposes only. These images are not to exact scale.